
Let's Plant trees

The European Festivals Forest is a not-for-profit foundation with charity registration number 84843225 at the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce.

We accept donations from individuals, organisations, companies and foundations internationally. We gladly accept. We are delighted to accept. Thank YOU. Every carbon coin you donate will help festivals towards net zero by 2030.

If you would like to offset your travel to a festival, or your travel for work and pleasure, may we suggest this calculator.

Thanks to our fantastic partners at Skógræktin, the Icelandic Forestry Service, the cost per tree is just €2. If you would like to donate trees on your own behalf, on behalf of loved ones, or to contribute to a specific festival or arts organisation, please complete the form below so we may properly acknowledge your gift and apportion the investment.

Thank you for joining festival lovers around Europe to plant trees.