
European festivals forest

Music, theatre and arts festivals across Europe are working in concert to plant a new Festivals Forest in Iceland with Downy birch, Sitka spruce, Lodgepole pine, Black Cottonwood and Siberian larch. We will plant 2,500 trees per hectare, with seedlings incubated locally.

The Festivals Forest is a carbon sequestration project. It celebrates the power and creativity of the festivals industry coming together to lead a progressive call to climate action. Working with Land og Skógur, the Icelandic forest service, gives us the  best value climate action imaginable and a confident and shared path to Net Zero.

We are thrilled that, thanks to the contributions of 23 arts organizations and individual donors across Europe, the festival forest has now grown beyond 20,000 trees! In spring 2025, we will gladly plant 4 hectares new trees on their (and your!) behalf, joining the 4 hectares that have already braved their first Arctic winter(s). Reaching this milestone in just over three years is a powerful testament to the impact we are making together. 

Please join us in 2025!

€2 per Tree

As we all work together towards Net Zero, festival organisations and audiences are funding the afforestation with a progressive Carbon Coin donation of €2 per tree, and the option of carbon-offset donation for artists and visitors’ travel.